Macquarie Fields Public School

Quality teaching and learning in a positive environment

Telephone02 9605 1024

About our school

Macquarie Fields was established in 1957 and has grown into a large primary school. The school stands by its motto of "Let Us Excel" by providing quality academic, cultural and sporting programs. The school serves an area of residential land featuring both public and private housing. The school has a positive image within the surrounding community with many out-of-area requests to enrol each year.

History of our school


Macquarie Fields Public School was founded in 1957. In our foundation year there were 277 stduents enrolled. Charles Walker was the principal of Macquarie Fields Public School from 1957 until 1967. Charles is remembered by many ex-students as  their 6th grade teacher. He is described as a gentle, patient man with a wondeful smile. His students can still recite his favourite saying: If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well. Grace, Charles' wife, also taught  at the school.